Sunday, February 8, 2009

Movies from Feb 2-8

Feb 2. 2009 -

"A Trip to the Moon" - Dir. Georges Melies - 1902

Star Theater - 1901

Move on - Dir. W.K.L. Dixon - 1903

Homage to Eaweard Muybridge - Dir. David Hanson

Shorts by W.K.L. Dixon: The Kiss, Serpentine Dances, Sandow (The Strong Man), Glenroy Brothers (comic boxing), Cockfight, The Barber Shop, Feeding the Doves, Seminary Girls

The Kid Part. 2 -

The second half of "The Kid" is good, but truly lost me a little bit. After they are re-united I think it is really sweet and really where the audience wants to see it end. That makes sense to me and really is nice ending. In fact, I still really love the movie up until the dream sequence in which is loses me.

The reason is that the film is so zeroed in on the relationship between the tramp and the kid that when that comes a long I get pulled out and don't care as much. I know that the kid is still at the center of it, but it still has that subplot about the woman which I really don't care about at all. The visuals are nice and all and there are funny moments, but it didn't work for me. Of course, with it ending there it leaves you with a sad idea if you really think about it. That is that the only time they are going to be together from this point on is in his dreams. I must give props to this ending as it isn't blatant and it being bitterly sweet. However, all the dream leading up to it is fairly pointless in my eyes, even though there is symbolism, but the symbolism just comes out of no where and I frankly don't feel as if it works.

It cannot deter my love of the film though.

Lumiere Brothers shorts: no. 91, no, 654, no. 88, no.99, no.186, no.4, no.82, no.40, no.105, no.101

San Francisco: Aftermath of Earthquake - Dir. Lumiere Brothers - 1906

The Great Train Robbery - Dir. Edwin S. Porter - 1903

Dog Factory - Dir. Edwin S. Porter - 1904

The Thieving Hand - 1908

Suspense - Dir. Lois Weber and Philips Smaller - 1913

Feb. 3, 2009

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - Dir. Kevin Smith - 2008

I love Kevin Smith. He is definitely one of the biggest influences on me as a writer. His dirty dialog coupled with an incredible heart at the center of it has always been something I have loved. This isn't is best film, but it is damn funny and really touching. Also, the scene where Zack and Miri finally have sex proves that he has come a long way as a filmmaker as it is such a personal and touching scene. I love this movie. It also has some more meaning for me because Zack and Miri are just like my friend Cera and I and I don't think anybody is as ever adorably dirty in a movie as Elizabeth Banks is.

Feb. 8, 2009

The Gold Rush - Dir. Charlie Chaplin - 1925

Review: Chaplin has always been very funny. That is why people know him. He is a great physical comedian and he knows how to take situations and make them ridiculous. However, the things that I have always thought he was best at was combining both the comedy with a message of sort. Be it the heart of “The Kid” or the early warning that “The Great Dictator” was. Chaplin has always been ahead of his time. Sadly, I don’t think he reaches it here.

Don’t get me wrong, “The Gold Rush” is a funny film, but that is about it. Almost every scene is a gag of some sort and most of them work. My favorites being the scene where he keeps transforming between himself and chicken. I think it is hilarious and a great way to treat his companion going crazy. It kept me laughing for a while afterwards. Of course, there is the famous roll dance. However, I don’t know how necessary that sequence was. I mean, we’ve seen him fall in love so many times and it is always the same. Meet cute, he charms them cause he is eccentric. Then he continues on. It works for the ending, but I wish there had been something a little more original in the middle of the film.

Also, his direction here was still clearly developing as most of the time it looks like he is shooting a play as opposed to “The Kid.” Except the climatic scene with the cabin tilting. Great bit by the way.

Basically, I felt this was a good, funny entry, but not much more.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Past Week's Films

So to welcome you to this blog, I (Rob Blake) just want you to know that this is done for my Film History class at the Academy of Art University.


Lumiere - David Lynch -

Review: This is a very weird film in the basic Lynch tradition. It was interesting how he made it, but in general I thought that it was a simply confusing mess of a film. I don't know if Lynch ever really knows what he is shooting. It always feels smart, but makes no discernible sense.

The Kid - Dir. Charlie Chaplain - 1921

Review: What first got me into films were classic films. I love every minute of them. My dad would always play them. In fact, "The Three Stooges" and "Marx Brothers" have been a big part in my life. So naturally, Chaplain would be also.

In the kid, he crafts what is probably his best film emotionally (while I feel his best is "The Great Dictator") . Not only did Chaplain craft a very funny film, but in a great turn pulls out one of the most naturalistic performances out of a child ever. The sheer fact that the his performance is so powerful is a testimony to both Coogan and Chaplain as their chemistry creates one of the greatest bonds on film ever. The scene where Coogan screams for Chaplain and is reaching out for him is one of the most sad images ever dedicated to film. Same goes for the image of Coogan and his mother framed in the same shot, neither of them knowing.

However, the fight and "breaking windows" sequence are both hilarious. Chaplain clearly cements himself as one of the best filmmakers ever.

1/27/09 -
I had no class this day, so it was a big day of watching films.

Back to the Future III - Dir. Robert Zemekis - 1990

Review: After the end of Back to the Future II, this needed to happen. It picks up right where the last one left off and stuck with the original's concept where people can't time travel everywhere. This is a hilarious film. The direction and the screenplay, coupled with wonderful chemistry makes this a great conclusion to a great end.

South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut - Dir. Trey Parker - 1999

Review: Hilarious? Yes. Musical? Yes. Social Commentary? Yes. Great great movie: Hell yes! One of my favorite by two of the funniest people ever to live.

Cannibal The Musical! - Dir. Trey Parker - 1996

Review: It was the first from the above people and it is great. They haven't quite got it right, but it is still very very funny and gross. Horror comedy is some of my favorite and this works so well. Plus, I have a soft spot for songs and the ones in this are really really funny.

Che: Guerilla - Dir. Steven Soderbourgh - 2008

Review: Slow and boring. It didn't work at all. I think between the two films, there is a great great film. However, it gets too caught up in itself and ends up trudging through the jungle just to die slowly just like the protagonist.


Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog - Dir. Joss Whedon - 2008

Review: It is a hilarious and touching film about a supervillian who just needs to rule the world. He is trying to get into the evil league of evil, when it becomes clear he must kill the boyfriend of the woman he loves: his arch-nemsis Captain Hammer. The characters are all well written and well acted. Neil Patrick Harris steals the show as the lead. He is a great singer and great actor. Nathan Fillian was born to play a super hero in the form of Captain Hammer and Felicia Day keeps the movie together as the lovable Penny. Definitely a recommend to anybody and everybody.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - Dir. Robert Zemekis - 1988

Review: It is basically a Chinatown with cartoons and one of the smartest scripts ever written. Also the special effects are great. The film it is hilarious and the characters are great.


Super Bowl

Review: One of the best super bowls ever played. Who think you could top last year? Well, this game did it with so much happening right at the end. Great.

The Office - Stress Relief - Dir. Jeffery Blitz - 2009

Review: Very funny episode. Very offensive. Jack Black, Chloris Leachman and Jessica Alba make hilarious appearances. This show is getting increasingly mean spirited, but at the same time very sweet. It is one of the better written shows on TV currently. The only one I like more is "30 Rock."